
A suburban family on Aquia Creek in Stafford County describes their families transition as the children move into high school and out of the house for the first time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's been a long, long, time . . .

No, Really? Two Years?!!!

What started out as an easy way to document Wil's adventures at Fork Union and our family's growing up turned into Stephanie's account of what was going on and then well, nothing. This is my (Stephanie's) attempt to catch up to fall of '09.

Wil did not return to Fork Union the next fall. Our first year (07-08) at FU we thought "Ok, we're newbies and we need to understand the program. It's supposed to be hard. Next year will be better." Enter 08-09 and not so much. After more of the same and even worse, we gave Wil the opportunity to call the ball before returning to school in Jan of '09. He had done everything required of him and we were very proud of his performance. He asked for time to think about and pray over his decision. He felt like God really wanted him there so he did stay and finished out his sophomore year. He finished well and we are proud of his decision and the great way he carried it out.

We continued to feed and grow Maggie and Charlie at home. Maggie completed her TKD training at Power Kix and received another black belt. Maggie has also been the only one of the kids to stick with piano and continues to win national rankings at her adjudicating and we enjoy listening to her (until the 100th time on the same piece).

Charlie started coming into his own in scouts. He could have been a Life Scout at 13 but I didn't feel he had enough life under his belt yet. I told him he had to wait until he was 14 and so he did.

That was a quick fast forward to the fall of '08 and the entrance of all three children into school. Yep, no more home schooling for the Turner clan. We had been praying about where Maggie would attend high school and now that Wil wasn't going to FU anymore he needed a school and God gave us Grace. Grace Preparatory School in Stafford, Va. After meeting with the admin and the principal we felt that all three kids could attend there so we prayed, asked the kids, applied and waited. They were interviewed, tested and accepted and started school in Aug of 08. Now I know you're wondering what I did with all that spare time on my hands. Well, I went to work at the pre-school at Grace. I am thankful that I was close at hand for my kids during the day. Every day I would see at least one and usually all three kids. I had fifteen great little kids in my charge and now a hundred stories to tell about little kids these days.

All three kids had an age and gender appropriate response to school. Wil had a freshman year his junior year in high school. Girls and freedom. His grades suffered and we had to go through a lot of reward and deprivation but he survived and well, I think we did. More tired I'm sure than we ever imagined.

Maggie went in as an observer and came out with a best friend. Melody. I know where Maggie came from and where Melody came from but they really could be clones of each other. Kind of scary but really delightful that Maggie has a kindred spirit in spiritual thinking and in academic achievement (read over achiever).

Charlie too, discovered girls but he didn't let his grades slip. He discovered he has a natural aptitude for science and history and he really likes them both! He learned some hard lessons about gossip and girls and boys and gin, no wait that's a wonderful life . . . He didn't want summer to come because he was going to miss his friends way too much. Yet he survived and focused on scouts and after his 14th (yep, you read it right) his 14th birthday, Charlie achieved the rank of Life Scout.

Bells are ringing and angels have their wings and I'm going to call it a day. I will write more later. Thanks for taking the time to read. Stephanie.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Smashing Success

Well, it's May and the year is almost over.

We are into parade season, alumni weekend, the Military ball and of course the end of school.

Wil and Maggie had a great time at the ball. Maggie's friend Kelsy had a good time with Miles and he's even planning on visiting her over Mother's Day weekend (his parents are stationed in Japan, so his mom won't be left out . . .).

All the parades during parade season are different and very well done. On Mother's day we were allowed to go to the field and wave to our sons and get up close and personal photos as they marched by. Very special.

Wil has exceeded everyones expectations academically and made the honor roll all five terms.
It has been a hard year on all of us, but very fruitful.

We have given Wil the choice this time as to whether he will return to FUMA or not. His deadline for a decision was Mother's day weekend.
He told us that there's really very little that he likes abut FUMA. The rules are stupid, the food is incredibly awful, the shoes and uniforms are ridiculously uncomfortable and most of the cadets are stupid and spoiled. But, he also said he liked football and LaCrosse and knows that he can't get these kind of grades any where else.
He has asked us to go ahead and send in the deposit for year two at FUMA.

He is such a good kid.

The Hope of Spring

Ah, pretty girls, Military Balls and LaCrosse. What could be finer.

That dreadful winter is now past and Wil gets to train and run around outside and play LaCrosse. The team has a pretty poor record but Wil loves the game and loves being out doors (finally) and we can go and see him play occasionally so the universe is righting itself again.

The yippee dogs have been severely chastised and Wil is breathing a little easier and not looking over his shoulder all the time.

Then, there's the Military Ball.
Fancy uniforms and fancy girls! Wil has asked a good friend, Maggie Burke, to attend the Ball with him this year. He is very excited. He has asked another friend Cadet Miles to go with him so Maggie can bring a friend and share the fun and attention.

I will post pictures eventually.

The Discontent of Winter

This has been an incredibly difficult winter.

Wil signed on for wrestling because everyone said he would love it. Well, wrestling was fun but . . . he got injured early on and couldn't train/wrestle. Then, when he could train, you had to win a wrestle off in order to compete - and he never won a wrestle off - therefore he never got to compete. He was always in doors and the yippee dogs continued to get under Wil's skin compounding the frustration and difficulties.

You add to that, that there was no leave in February and you have one pretty tired, sad cadet.

The redeeming moment came as he yet again made the honor roll. Yea Wil!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Academic Leave

FUMA rewards cadets who make The Honor Roll (B's) or The Dean's List (A's) for two terms in a row, with a special "Academic Leave weekend". Wil stands in the photo with Dennis Engel, a 17 year old Junior, who came home with Wil for the weekend.

We're very proud of Wil for his achievements and this weekend was about rewarding him for his hard work. The boys had fun shooting their new air rifles, playing video games, eating, sleeping in and hanging out.

Wil got to watch his movies, eat his favorite foods, play his favorite video games, all weekend, all in recognition of the hard work done well, in the middle of FUMA's austere environment.

Please pray for Wil - he's in the middle of Western Civ this term ... and the classes keep getting harder.
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Yep, Whoosh! Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's - Whoosh!

It all went by so fast. Thanksgiving came and went in a blur. Even though it was Wil's first Major Leave home, I blinked and he was back at school. I picked him up on 18 Nov, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Robert was in Calif., Maggie was on a retreat and Charlie was out scouting so, Wil spent the weekend with his friend Joey. Monday and Tuesday was good "get reaquainted time" and then whoosh! Gianna came down from Cornell for a visit starting Wednesday (the girls went to see The Nutcracker at The Kennedy Center that night), Thanksgiving was Thursday, Gingerbread Houses was Friday, Astronomy Night with the Scouts for the boys was Saturday and the girls baked and baked and baked . . . Sunday we had church and then Gianna went back to school and WIL TURNED FIFTEEN!! Monday, Wil went back to school and the next thing you know it's the end of the term and...Wil made the Honor Roll, AGAIN!!! Yea Mr. Wil!

Did I mention that it's Christmas Leave . . . I picked Wil up on16 Dec and it was sooo good to see/hug on Mr. Wil. We had planned to go away for Christmas week so his first week home Wil spent a lot of time doing dinner and visiting with his friends. On 23 Dec, we headed out for Satellite Beach, Florida. It was a great drive down (18 hours) and a fantastic visit with our good friends the Wests. We swam in the ocean, went to the Kennedy Space center, played games and really enjoyed our Christmas Vacation.

On the way home (12 hour detour) we went to Decatur, Ga and met the kids' cousin Abigail Elizabeth Collins or as we like to call her - Abilizzie. On Saturday we spent some great time visiting with Ma in her new home and the Sr. Turners in theirs. On Sunday we stopped by the cemetary to see Papa's grave site and then we headed home.

12 hours later we arrived in Stafford, Va. Just in time for a New Years Eve Party with the neighbors and then sleeping in on 1 Jan. Tues. Robert went back to work and of course Mr. Wil went back to school. The routine always includes a haircut, snack shopping, laundry and then the long drive back to Fork Union. Although, now that I've driven down and up a great part of the Eastern seaboard, what's 4.5 hours round trip? Whoosh.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


We all know about them. We've all heard of them and some of us have had the mis-fortune of getting our very own personal bully. Well, that would be Wil.

School had been going so well. Good grades, loving football, food, you know, boarding school stuff. Enter the bully. He started getting in Wil's face about the beginning of October. Telling lies and weaving webs you wouldn't believe. Then he started on Wil's personal space and going in to Wil's room with out permission. Then he was taking stuff (no real proof accept that when confronted, the stuff would magically re-appear) and messing with Wil's mind and then the final blow. He started to get physical. Taunting Wil to "bring it on" pushing him, elbowing him, always when no one was looking. Hoping to get Wil to take the first hard blow, consequently getting himself into trouble.

Wil is so smart and such a good kid. He stayed the course. He didn't give in to the bully and did the right thing, or so he thought. He kept quiet. This allowed the bully to have the upper hand and weave more lies and allow the idea of becoming a snitch (the worst thing in the World) to live ferociously in Wil's mind. Wil needs the crowd. He needs the acceptance of his peers and being a snitch just didn't fit in.

Finally on one fateful Sunday evening, Wil had reached capacity with this kid. He made three calls home, each one increasing in intensity until the third call, which started out "I hate this place, I want to come home". I gave the phone to dad and after great encouragement, Wil went and reported this cadet to the "Commandant on Duty", Maj. Williamson. Maj. Williamson encouraged Wil that it was ok. Wil did one thing right and one thing wrong. He was right in reporting the cadet and wrong in waiting so long. The bully will pay the consequences. Look out demerits and tours, here we come.

There's one kid who called Wil a snitch and Wil just blew him off and told him to "Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. " and that was it.

Wil feels much better now and is back on track. Life is good. Football is over and Wil is on to wrestling. He's in his next course of study, Earth Sciences, and says his teacher is a hoot.

Wil sees this cadet every day. He's on the wrestling team, but not in Wil's weight class. He lives in the barracks down the hall from Wil and they have the same break times. But, he doesn't get under Wil's skin any more. Once Wil realized that the staff is interested in Wil and helping him succeed, everything fell into place. He wasn't lone man out or the Lone Ranger or just alone. He has a whole school filled with staff that want the best for Wil (and all the cadets).

This is the first time Wil has had to make the tough choices, and we all know it won't be the last. I am thankful for the men at FUMA who dedicate their lives to the Lord and the raising up of fine Godly young men. Even the bullies. Everyone will be given the same opportunities to succeed and do their best. They must simply choose.

Wil has chosen to succeed.
